Tuesday, July 1, 2008

prozac moment

Personally, I tell you, a morning riser is not in my genes. Apparently not in the little one as well. Not at all a combo recipe for successful habit training for promptness. I hadn't realized the trial and tribulations of being the "role model." After all, the world revolves around a time table...punctuality. The problem with that theory, is it's not my time table.

Secondly, when things run amok, and they do, my potty mouth was once an excellent source of "outlet." One word could create a beautiful line of defense. I could create so many euphemisms. So now, my potty mouth is now defunct I probably could sell some phrases on e bay...but I would get time out. As a role model, I've offered an incentive for me..if I initiate the time out for myself, I get to take an extra cat nap during the day. Now that's a fair deal..

I'm actually a pretty down to earth human being. I like to do the usual things most do. An everyday cocktail could consist of the following ingredients to satisfy my appetite: Abundance, health, some spiritual blend of religion, a dash of culture, and insatiable appetite for learning. Did I say fun. I love to laugh. I've been known to cry, but I'd rather not.

So it's not at all going to startle you, I'm sure, when you learn that the patter of feet at 5AM..glaring eye ball to eye ball...poking fidgeting fingers to unlock the tiny crusty eyelids I've trained to remain shut through the wee hours....hugely changed the apparently boring routine I had going.

"Nana, Are you up?
I 'm Tirsty!
Get up!"

So what I say to myself. I'll get up..Lift off and go back under the covers. Not without the WHINE!

It escalates!

Oh no... Don't lose it...You don't want to lose it! I'll get the bottle..You can have them all....all the sippy cups. here!!!!Drink till your hearts content!

5:30...the drawer in the kitchen opens! Didn't see it at first. My little tyke now has to run potty. Oh yes...Nana....Potty...Don't come in.

Yippee! I can trust her..She knows how to do the run...pee, wipe call Nana for the check up, wash hands...details good.

6 AM Husband comes barreling in the room...I'm up like I've never been. It appears the opened drawer our tyke reached in, was created to inspire some of the kiddo's personal improvement.

Seems like an entertaining moment, for our tigress, who turned her beautiful thick hair , once illuminating her distinctive facial features,into a cropped officially chopped hair cut. 2 seconds..max.

I didn't raise Cain! Looked into her opaque large black eyes, wide with inspiration, and sincere apologies..."Sorry, Nana, Shouldn't have done that..Won't do that again."

"No you won't." You probably will be wearing a wig!

Off to school...early...Don't worry about being tardy. We'll get you there for the early bird special.


Normal Blogger said...

I sent this to my son Steve. He thinks you'll get a movie deal faster than me.

Perhaps "Another Eve"? (Jim could be Adam).

Unknown said...

Great blog Barb. You've got a busy schedule.